5 Ways to Get a Fantabulous Shiko-Dachi Stance: Looking Beyond Static Stretching Okay, okay, okay… I’m back. Well, not that I ever “left” or anything, I’ve just ...
Mental Power Training for Karate: Controlling Your Self-Image Self-defense is not a sport. I think we can all agree on that. So, by definition, traditional Karate can’...
“Help – I’m Changing Karate Style!” Now and then I receive e-mail from readers who have questions on various Karate related topics, and one topic ...
Boost Your Karate Talent The Spartan Way There are many things I still don’t understand when it comes to Okinawan Karate. One being their facili...
What Should I Be Focusing On? A Karate Dilemma. Somebody died and made me king, emperor and dictator-for-life of Karate therapy online. Here’s my latest...
The 3 C’s of Japanese: Cold, Confused & Constipated “Ka-slap!” It was one of the most stinging verbal slaps I’d ever received. And I loved it. To make a lon...
“When Should I Leave My Sensei And Start My Own Dojo?” An e-mail was received. From a ridiculously handsome man named Gary, with an impeccable taste in blogs. Obvio...
The Endless List of Karate Feelings That mixed feeling of frustration and letdown; not having punched even harder, faster and better than your pre...
How To Practice Karate Alone Here’s a question I get a lot: “Dear Jesse-san, Training Karate alone is very hard for me. I know ...
The Numb-Chuck ABCs (pt. 2) Note: This is part two of “The Numb-Chuck ABCs”. If you haven’t read part one, you really sh...
“Practise Kata Correctly” by Mabuni Kenwa Translated by Mark Tankosich MA, this essay, originally written by the founder of Shito-ryu Karate (Mabuni Ke...