How a World Champion Survived a Small Mistake (That Nearly Cost Him the World Games Title) Imagine the fear: You are standing on the mat in the kata finals of the World Games. You have been competing a...
51 Awesome Ways to Practice Kata Do you like kumite? You’re in luck, my friend! A quick internet search will give you thousands of ways t...
The Wisdom of Inoue Yoshimi: Legendary Japanese National Team Kata Coach (Seminar Recap) Inoue Yoshimi sensei is not your ordinary grey-haired, chain-smoking Japanese gentleman. Well, he is a gentlem...
The Karate Nerd Manifesto So, I keep arguing that you need to become this Karate Nerd™ thing. Most of you, hopefully, kind of, sort of...
Exclusive Interview: Antonio Diaz – World Karate Champion (pt. 4) Last part! (here’s part 3 if you missed it) Read slowly and it lasts longer! J: Okay, we need to start w...
Exclusive Interview: Antonio Diaz – World Karate Champion (pt. 3) This is the third installment in a series of posts recounting my super exclusive interview with the Venezuelan...
Exclusive Interview: Antonio Diaz – World Karate Champion (pt. 2) This is part 2 of my chat with Antonio Diaz, Karate World Champion (WKF) in kata and Certified Master of the U...
Exclusive Interview: Antonio Diaz – World Karate Champion (pt. 1) Folks… I did it. After stalking him like a sweaty ninja for an entire weekend, riding ninja-style on the...