Exploring The Karate Mentality: Respect It Or Check It Was everything better before? An expression heard now and then, most often by veterans in their chosen field o...
Choosing The Right Path Towards The “Ultimate Aim” of Karate Disclaimer: To all you second graders, there are no images in this post. Sorry. And I’m not even sorry. ...
Infiltrating The Okinawan Funakoshi Clan Today was my last day here in Okinawa. Too bad. So, of course I had to do one last sayonara-trip down the unbe...
Quick Guide to Training in Ye Old Days Last monday, after class, a sempai came to me and asked me what it was like in ‘ye old days’ if yo...
2 Famous Traditional Karate Stories Now and then, the kids in our Karate classes ask me if I can tell them any cool Karate stories. Barely resisti...
“Karate Ni Sente Nashi” á la Motobu Choki In 1943, an interesting incident took place at a big restaurant somewhere in central Okinawa. A party was bein...
Motobu & Funakoshi – The Habu & The Mongoose You know how the old masters of Karate would always write noble things like: “The ultimate goal of Karat...
Kata – Woodpecker, Wind or Water? Two weeks ago I taught a Karate class for kids. (Of course I do that every week, but two weeks ago something s...
The 20 Precepts of Karate (+ Shotokan Jungle Trip) I sometimes get asked questions like “I want to read some books on Karate, what do you recommend?”...
You Know You Are Doing Too Much Karate If… (pt. 2) Some fun people over at MartialArtsPlanet.com expanded on my previous post (You Know You Are Doing Too Much Ka...
The Birth of Today’s Karate I’m going to begin this post with a story. What would you say if I told you the following: Once upon a t...