Kiken, Kitsui & Kitanai: The 3 K’s of Old-School Traditional Karate Do you know what a koan is? No? A koan is a story, dialogue, question or statement which is used in Zen-practi...
5 Little-Known Secrets of Utterly Successful Karate-ka What defines a great Karate practitioner? The answer to that question has been debated for decades, and seems ...
The Jing Method – Trademark or Truth? My friend Jing came over this weekend. Jing, as you probably understand, is Chinese. He is in his mid-tw...
The Hard Soft Style Swimming Academy There is a quite famous book in Karate circles known as “Bubishi”. You might have heard of it. It ...
And You Thought Karate Was Hard? Everyone learns in his or her own pace. Some people need maybe half the time other people need, just to learn ...