Understand The Textbooks of Karate – Empower Yourself Remember when you went to school? I mean, like high school, college, university or whatever? If not, just pret...
Infiltrating The Okinawan Funakoshi Clan Today was my last day here in Okinawa. Too bad. So, of course I had to do one last sayonara-trip down the unbe...
The Meaning of Onegaishimasu Today, when I walked to the dojo, something remarkable happened. You see, when I cross the road at pedestrian ...
Ryuei-ryu History & Ramblings: Kata Anan This weekend I’m going to do a seminar on the kata Anan, and when I give seminars I always do a theory s...
“Karate-do Sanka” by Nagamine Shoshin Written by the late founder of Matsubayashi Shorin-ryu Karate, Nagamine Shoshin, the Karate-do Sanka (lit. emp...
Naha-te’s 2 Greatest “Secret” Lessons (pt. 2) This is part 2 of ‘Naha-te’s 2 Greatest “Secret” Lessons’. If you haven’t read part on...
Quick Guide to Training in Ye Old Days Last monday, after class, a sempai came to me and asked me what it was like in ‘ye old days’ if yo...
2 Famous Traditional Karate Stories Now and then, the kids in our Karate classes ask me if I can tell them any cool Karate stories. Barely resisti...
“Karate Ni Sente Nashi” á la Motobu Choki In 1943, an interesting incident took place at a big restaurant somewhere in central Okinawa. A party was bein...
Exposing The Biggest Best Kept Super Secret of Karate Ever Folks... We are standing on the brink of revolution....
On Ko Chi Shin I love mysteries. Do you? I’ve watched CSI, Law & Order, Midsumer Murders, Prison Break, Lost and ot...