The Whispers of Matsumura Let me tell you about an interesting concept I once came up with: First of all, have you heard about the game ...
Koujiki – The Educational Karate Game To better understand and appreciate the Karate that we’re all practising there are several approaches on...
Karate = mc^2 Karate by itself is not a science. It’s really not. Even though people sometimes say it is, I don’...
What You Need To Know About Kata Statement: The original meaning of most kata (besides being used in self-defense) have been lost in the “...
10 Small Karate Pieces (pt. 1) Today I felt creative. So, for this post I decided I would get me a notebook, and a pen… and then dig de...
“Dear Kata Critic…” There are some pretty fun words and phrases out there. For example, in German they have the horribly long word...
Kata & Kata – There Can Only Be One Practising Karate it is unavoidable that one must use the Japanese language to some extent. Rei, Hajime, Yoi, ...
Kata – Woodpecker, Wind or Water? Two weeks ago I taught a Karate class for kids. (Of course I do that every week, but two weeks ago something s...
Theseus’s Paradox I love paradoxes. Specifically the philosophical ones. It’s really fascinating how a statement (sometim...
Who’s Real? – Karate Myth Busting Through Pictures “His grip was so strong that he could rip the bloody flesh from his opponents arms” Yeah, right. W...
My 49 Best Pictures From German Open 2009 This weekend I was at the German Open 2009, one of Europe’s biggest Karate competitions I believe. It wa...