How to Achieve Greatness in Karate (& Life): Let Go of Attachment Sometimes you go through those moments in life that literally flip your worldview upside down. Man, how I love...
Mental Power Training for Karate: Controlling Your Self-Image Self-defense is not a sport. I think we can all agree on that. So, by definition, traditional Karate can’...
The True Meaning of Mokuso: Karate’s Essential Mental Tool Facts: It has been called “the silent killer” and can lead to heart disease, high blood pressure, chest pa...
Practical Karate Psychology: Uncovering the Secret of Elite Achievers & Adopting the ‘Hell Yes’ Attitude “He has better genes than me.” “He eats steroids for breakfast.” “He has better ...
“To Those Who Seek Sports, Education & Character Formation Through Okinawan Karate” This is my edited translation of a lecture entitled “To Those Who Seek Sports, Education & Character...
“Get down and give me… ten?!” In most Karate-schools, the training involves some kind of physical strength exercises. This can vary quite a...