How to Tell If Your Sensei Is Good “Eureka!”, “Eureka!” The legendary shouts of Archimedes echoed throughout the streets ...
How to Save Karate From It’s Dark Future (Before It’s Too Late) Yesterday my friend told me his dojo has grown 200% in the past week. Turns out, they got one new member. Ouch...
“Ken Zen Ichi Nyo”: The True Measure of a Black Belt Are you a human being? If so, I congratulate you! Because in today’s world, most of us are human doings ...
Why You Should Lie to Your Karate Students (Occasionally) “Shiranu ga hotoke” (“Not knowing is Buddha.”) Once upon a time, during the 1970’...
3 Things My First Triathlon Taught Me about Karate (& Life) I finally did it. After swimming my ass off in the ice cold, pitch black water of Stockholm’s murky old ...
How to Achieve Greatness in Karate (& Life): Let Go of Attachment Sometimes you go through those moments in life that literally flip your worldview upside down. Man, how I love...
The #1 Reason Why Every Serious Karate-ka Needs to Travel to Okinawa Right Now Some people might find this strange: But my strongest memories from living in Okinawa (the birthplace of Karat...
Musings on Mushin: Karate’s Equivalent of Mindfulness Fun fact: At the tender age of twenty-three, French mathematician, physicist, inventor, writer and Catholic p...
Shin-Gi-Tai: The Definition of a True Sensei We have all met them. Those unique Karate teachers that make everything feel like instant enlightenment. Those...
How To Learn Karate in 10 Seconds? Everything is supposed to go so fast these days. “Modern Kung-Fu Karate: Iron Poison Hand Training, Book...
Demystifying the Philosophy of “Shu-Ha-Ri”: 2 Awesome Stories I don’t know about you, but in our dojo we’ve got to write a thesis for some gradings. For example...