27 Kinds of Karate People That Annoy Me Greatly I know, I know… You probably think I write these articles lying naked on a bearskin rug, feather pen and...
6 Things Your Sensei NEVER Told You About Karate Do you remember your very first Karate class? I don’t. (Hey, I was like 2 years old!) Do you remember th...
“Why I’m a Martial Artist” (Video) (This article is going to be awkward. But what the heck.) Yesterday I sent a secret e-mail to everyone on my K...
The True Power of Pauses in Kata Performance Question: Do you consider yourself a martial artist? I mean really, a martial artist; somebody who literally e...
How to Achieve Greatness in Karate (& Life): Let Go of Attachment Sometimes you go through those moments in life that literally flip your worldview upside down. Man, how I love...
When Keeping It Real Goes Wrong – Ground Fighting in Karate I remember being at this great seminar once, covering all kinds of nifty kata application principles, when, su...
The Secret of Reigi When you’re teaching beginners they’re bound to ask you challenging and thrilling questions. I lov...
My Way of Teaching – Hate It Or Love It These past weeks I have been indulging myself in a fat bunch of newly purchased Karate books. Sort of like ear...
The 3 Most Common Causes for Defeat Yesterday (or actually this day, since it was night) I was watching the UFC (Ultimate Fighting Championships) ...