Is Your Karate Sensei “Always Right”? – How to Effectively Question Tradition Every day, we’re confronted with claims that others present as fact. Both in and out of the dojo. Some o...
Shin-Gi-Tai: The Definition of a True Sensei We have all met them. Those unique Karate teachers that make everything feel like instant enlightenment. Those...
When Am I Too Old To Start Learning Karate? I love getting e-mails from Karate enthusiasts all over the world. In fact, I get them almost every day. So, n...
My 7 Answers to Possibly the Most Fascinating Karate Master’s Thesis Interview Ever? Have you ever wondered about the “possible connection of martial arts and movement to literary and compo...
“Help – I’m Changing Karate Style!” Now and then I receive e-mail from readers who have questions on various Karate related topics, and one topic ...
Morio Higaonna’s 3 Ultimate Lessons of Karate Wisdom Being here in Okinawa, practising Karate and Kobudo with all sorts of masters, gives you an interesting perspe...
The #1 Way of Sounding Like a Total Amateur in Karate Sometimes cultures clash in a more physical way than you wish for. Like the other day when I was at the superm...
Karate Analytics: Test, Think, Triumph! Last week I performed a small experiment during kid’s Karate class. (I know, I’m evil like that. B...
“When Should I Leave My Sensei And Start My Own Dojo?” An e-mail was received. From a ridiculously handsome man named Gary, with an impeccable taste in blogs. Obvio...
Exploring The Karate Mentality: Respect It Or Check It Was everything better before? An expression heard now and then, most often by veterans in their chosen field o...
Become a Master Teacher – I Dare You Long before there ever was planning, there was improvising. For milennia humans functioned basically only by t...