The Mysterious Martial Monk (pt. 2) (This is part 2 of ‘The Mysterious Martial Monk’. If you haven’t read part 1, you really sho...
The Mysterious Martial Monk (pt. 1) A long, long time ago, in a land far, far away, there lived a boy who – like most boys at some part of t...
Gendai no Bushi – Nakamoto Masahiro (pt. 1) The vitality of the old, bearded man is hard to forget. With unbelievable swiftness he casually disarms his kn...
Chibana Choshin – Butoku The following article is composed from different quotes and teachings of the late Shuri-te Karate expert Chiba...
Styles of Karate (pt.2) – by Kanken Toyama Here is the second part of the article on “the styles of Karate”, written by Kanken Toyama (1888-1...
Styles of Karate (pt.1) – by Kanken Toyama Today I thought I would share one of my absolute favourite articles ever written on Karate. It’s about t...
Just Another Normal Day in Okinawa… Last Thursday was a great day. I was here at home, practicing Karate in my sweaty underwear as usual, minding ...