The Famous 5 Hip Twist Exercises of Luca Valdesi Remember when I went to that Luca Valdesi camp in Finland earlier this year? If you don’t, then here it ...
Infiltrating The Okinawan Funakoshi Clan Today was my last day here in Okinawa. Too bad. So, of course I had to do one last sayonara-trip down the unbe...
Review: Luca Valdesi Summer Camp 2010 Look up the word ‘Karate Globetrotter’ in the dictionary, and chances are big that you won’t...
The 20 Precepts of Karate (+ Shotokan Jungle Trip) I sometimes get asked questions like “I want to read some books on Karate, what do you recommend?”...
What Is Ikken Hissatsu? Ikken Hissatsu is a Japanese term that is used quite frequently in Karate (especially Shotokan). What does it ...
42 Bunkai to “Monk’s Salutation” Let’s look at some bunkai (applications for techniques found in kata) again! Last time we did kakete, ...
The 3 Points of Throwing Although Karate is mainly a striking, punching and kicking art, it involves joint locks, takedowns, strangulat...