Watch “Karate Nerd in Okinawa” (Free Web Series) Boom! After 1 month in Okinawa, I’m finally home again. Although I’ve been to the birthplace of Ka...
2017 Okinawan Karate Nerd Programme (OKNP) Finally… The selection is done! After receiving numerous applications from all over the world, the 2017...
Why Modern Karate Is Broken (& How You Can Fix It) July, 1921. World War I is officially over. Japan’s economic bubble is exploding. To keep people from ...
Why I Stopped Practicing My Karate Style. (Maybe YOU Should Too?) “So… what style do you practice?” This is a question I get a lot. (Especially since releasin...
This Participant’s Honest Review Will Make You Regret You Didn’t Attend KNX15 Wow… Exactly 7 days ago, I wrapped up KNX15 – The Karate Nerd Experience 2015. I’m still buz...
15 Frequently Asked Questions About KNX15 Wow… In 24 hours, EVERY single ticket to The Karate Nerd Experience 2015 (KNX15) sold out. Amazing! (V...
How to Be Creative in Karate (& Why It’s Super Important) Creativity. It’s a big word. Are you afraid of it… …or enthralled by it? No matter what feel...
Why Slow Training Improves Your Karate Techniques (& Life) Question: Would you believe me if I told you there’s ONE training method that can improve you Karate lik...
Free Guide: Strength & Cardio for Karate Practitioners “Lifting weights makes your Karate bad.” Wrong. Physical training is essential for Karate. A weak...
2 Forgotten (But Deadly) Techniques of Okinawan Karate Carefully read this quote: “Hoping to see Karate included in the physical education taught in our public...
The Black Belt Myth (What They Never Told You About Being a Black Belt) For years, you’ve been told a lie. An ugly, dirty lie. Indoctrinated by people you trusted, with the imp...